Craft Sequence Essays
Welcome to our archive of articles and essays about the Craft Sequence. Scroll for all of our articles, or go wherever suits you:
Relatively spoiler free essays if you’re new to the series / partway through and don’t want to spoil yourself
Spoilerific essays if you’ve read the series and want to delve deeper

Crafting your argument (and reality) | How Magic Works in the Craft Sequence
Craftsfolk are necromancer-lawyers, and as such a significant part of how they perform magic is via a strong argument, and asserting their truth onto reality. This essay looks at the magical components of a Craft argument.

Craft Sequence DRAGONS as planes and weapons (part 2)
We’ve looked at almost every reference to dragons in the Craft Sequence, so now we’re bringing out the big guns - figuratively and literally. Read on to see how dragons act as magical jumbo jets and also corpse WMDs - yes, literally.

Every reference to DRAGONS in the Craft Sequence (part 1)
In honour of Tor Books’s 5th annual Dragon Week, here’s an unplanned article about EVERY SINGLE dragon reference in the series. Part 1, because it turns out there’s way more than I thought. YOU’RE WELCOME.

Words, belief and the fabric of reality | How Magic Works in the Craft Sequence
Shaping reality and underpinning all magic in the Craft Sequence are words and belief. We take a deep dive into how this works in the Craft Sequence with examples from across the series.

OFFICIAL Craft Sequence Timeline (translated)
The OFFICIAL Craft Sequence timeline, translated from the German timeline in the cover of Drei Viertel Tod.

What we learned about CRAFT SEQUENCE - Gladstone March AMA
Everything we learned about the CRAFT SEQUENCE from Max Gladstone’s March 2022 Reddit AMA.

Basics of the Craft and Applied Theology | How Magic Works in the Craft Sequence
How does magic work in the Craft Sequence? Two forms of magic, the Craft and Applied Theology, work on many of the same principles with some key differences - one is the magic of the people, and one is the magic of the gods. Part one of a series.

Mapping Alt Coulumb (Part 1)
Alt Coulumb is the primary setting for two Craft Sequence novels, but no map exists of the city. We’ve gone through every detail available in the books to create possibly the first ever map of Alt Coulumb, with only a little artistic licence to fill in some of the gaps.

Every clue and foreshadowing for THAT Kos twist
The major twist at the end of Three Parts Dead is deftly built up through clues and foreshadowing - here is every single one. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD.

A (brief) introduction to Dresediel Lex
Two books and one game are set in Dresediel Lex, a sprawling metropolis on the edge of the desert ruled by an overdramatic skeleton who cast down gods.

A (brief) introduction to Alt Coulumb
A gothic city overseen by gods of fire and the moon, Alt Coulumb is the setting of two books, sitting at the crossroad of religion and the Craft.

A (brief) introduction to Kavekana
The setting for Full Fathom Five and home of Kai Pohala, Kavekana is a tropical paradise with a dark underside that could tear the world of Craft apart.
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