A (brief) introduction to Kavekana


Kavekana is the setting for one book in the Craft Sequence, Full Fathom Five, and is the location where disparate plotlines and characters start to come together.

Where is Kavekana?

Kavekana is one of the islands in the Broken Sea, off the coast of Northern Kath. Quite where off the coast is in question; given that it seems inspired by Pacific islands, I had assume it was off the western coast, but someone is referenced as visiting on their way from Alt Coulumb to Dresediel Lex. To me, this implies it is somewhere in between - perhaps in the sea between Northern and Southern Kath, where there had been a land bridge thousands of years ago before it was broken by giant god-like serpents.

What does Kavekana look like?

Kavekana is a tropical paradise on a volcanic island - palm trees, golden beaches and glorious sun feature heavily. The volcano, Kavekana’ai, is home to a temple, and only priests are allowed up to the caldera.

We see the main town of Kavekana at the foot of the volcano, hugging a natural bay; it’s unclear if the other side of the island is habitable. With foreign gods banned on the island, and Craftsfolk not allowed to set up shop on Kavekanese territory, floating skyspires hover outside of the bay.

Early in Full Fathom Five we see the spread of Kavekana:

Kavekana, beautiful as always: stark black stone slopes, colonised even at this violent height by lichen, moss, and adventurous ferns. Farther down, grasses grew and farther still palms, coconut, and imported date. Epiphytes flourished beneath the trees. Past those, signs of humankind, the fiercest invasive species, asserting presence with rooftop and stone arch, temple and bar and gold-ribbon road, traces thicker as the eye proceeded south until slope gave way to city and becah and the paired peninsulas of the Claws. In their grip the glittering harbour thronged with tall-mast clippers, schooners, the iron-hulled hulks of container ships anchored near East Claw’s point where the water was deep enough to serve them. Other islands swelled, purple ghosts, on the horizon. Craftsmen’s spires hovered out there, too, crystal shared almost as tall as the volcano, flashing in the sun.

Who runs Kavekana?

As with all locations that we have so far seen in the Craft Sequence, there is no elected government in Kavekana. The city seems to be run by the Sacerdotal Order of Kavekana, priests who operate as religious investment bankers, building idols for wealthy clients. Their leader appears to be the de facto ruler of Kavekana as the island awaits the return of their gods from the Wars.

There is a police force in addition to religio-magical Penitents, which are associated with the longlost god Makawe and dispense justice in his name.

How do Craft and religious communities interact?

Neither are technically allowed on Kavekana; foreign religions are explicitly outlawed, and Craftsfolk operate outwith the island’s boundaries, but seem able to visit. Penitents can sense gods and those to whom gods dispense grace, and deport them unceremoniously.

Kavekana’s own gods - Makawe and his sisters - left for the God Wars many decades past and have never returned. The Sacerdotal Order of Kavekana awaits their return, and in the meantime constructs idols, operating like offshore bankers. Rich clients request particular features of idols (protecting investments, fertility, luck) and priests such as our protagonist Kai build and worship the idols on their behalf. It saves the wealthy from sacrifices (read: paying taxes) wherever they are based. The Order are very clear that their idols are not gods - this is an important facet of Full Fathom Five.

What is the predominant culture of Kavekana?

The indigenous population of Kavekana is the Kavekanese, who seem inspired by Pacific Island nations. My first instinct is to relate Kavekana to Hawai’i, but honestly don’t know enough to say that for certain.

Kavekana has a large expat community that is growing, displacing many Kavekanese. They are referred to in the text as mainlanders generally, but seem to come from both Kath (akin to the Americas, where our other major cities, Alt Coulumb and Dresediel Lex, are located) and the ‘Old World’ (non-American continents). There is a fairly significant population of immigrant/refugee street kids from the Old World, including our second protagonist Izza.

What issues are faced by Kavekana?

Similar to other locations in the Craft Sequence, there are issues related to wealth disparities and gentrification, and the balance between Craft and religion.

Of our protagonists, one is local and solidly middle-class, while the other is a refugee street kid living on the edge. From Kai’s perspective we see how rich foreigners are changing the culture of Kavekana and displacing locals; from Izza’s, we see how vulnerable people fall through the cracks and are invisible to people like Kai.

The nature of religion and belief in the world of Craft is also examined in much closer detail than in other books/setting and shines new light on established norms - whilst Full Fathom Five can technically be read first, we would advise starting with others to build this initial picture that is deepened in Kavekana.


A (brief) introduction to Alt Coulumb