Wicked Problems Liveblog - SPOILER FREE


Well. If you follow me on Twitter, you will have seen that I finally got my Wicked Problems ARC and spent the last couple of days reading it and flailing online. As the thread reached over 100 tweets, I thought I’d collate the liveblog here, correct some typos and one mistaken identity (damn my ever-growing list of redacted characters) and keep it for posterity. A couple of gifs may be different due to what I can find, but you’ll get the vibe. If you want the original, here you go!

There should be no spoilers here, unless you can figure out who each redacted character is - but as even my friends, who have heard me rant about these characters constantly over the past 3 years, couldn’t ID them with a cheat sheet, I’m pretty sure that’ll be pretty tricky. However, if you don’t even want vague expectation spoilers for Wicked Problems, this may not be for you

SO, if you’re up for it please enjoy my flailing! And if this isn’t for you, here’s the tl;dr - Wicked Problems is my favourite Craft Sequence book so far. Gladstone has surpassed even my pretty stupidly high expectations.

Part One: In Which Livetweeting Happens By Accident


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In the chaos of this week I forgot to say I finally got a Wicked Problems ARC!!!!

Massive thanks to Max Gladstone and Tor Books for sorting this out when my first one went missing across the Atlantic.


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I keep holding my breath as I read why am I like this

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What did I just read



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(Yes apparently I'm livetweeting this. Promise no spoilers)

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Reading pause while I move cafes but this is exactly what I wanted from this book. I adore DEAD COUNTRY but it was totally different than I expected with the Craft Wars announcement. WICKED PROBLEMS so far encapsulates what I had expected. What a great duo they are.

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No idea if this is accurate but I'm imagining a new character as Edward J Olmos and will be taking no critique

Part Two: In which [REDACTED]

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Also loving that REDACTED met REDACTED when I wrote a paragraph comparing the two of them in a draft literally last night.

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REDACTED 3 / REDACTED 4 ship was unexpected but extremely welcome. Here for it.

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This will seem off topic buy my friend recently made this video about MAFS Australia and his expressions are EXACTLY how I look right now reading WICKED PROBLEMS but I'm too self conscious to record myself.

@t.munzara The people of Genovia need to give me dual nationality after finidng their long lost princess in waiting. #fouryou #fyp #marriedatfirstsightau #MAFSA @Married At First Sight ♬ original sound - t.munzara

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Tinfoil theory I wrote up yesterday is 90% jossed by now (page 60) buuut I'm going to post it anyway because it's fun.

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A character from a previous book who I really disliked and didn't want more from has shown up and I am LOVING this version of them.

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I'm not even a quarter of the way through but if this quality continues we've found my new favourite Craft Sequence novel.

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Quote for hypothetical Craft Sequence movie trailer: "The world is on a dangerous path. We face challenges unimagined by gods and kings." Can't you imagine the dramatic voiceover?

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Pause to catch train. Also I've been listening to the new Twice song while reading and it is SO not tonally Craft Sequence but now I shall forever link the two in my mind.


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90% sure Gladstone's mom took his author photo and I love that


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Back reading on train. Everyone is flirting with everyone and I'm here for it. Would accept a Sense8 style coming together in all meanings of the term.

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I matched both my coat and my lipstick to the book cover and forgot to take a picture in daylight. Devastated.

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The banter between [REDACTED 3] and [REDACTED 6] has led to me giggling OUT LOUD on a TRAIN I am too British for this

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"I'm not wild," [REDACTED 6] said, "about your use of the word 'ethical' as a qualifier." Well doesn't this just sum up the Craft Sequence.

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I'm going to lose track of which number refers to which redacted character aren't I

Part 3: In Which I Keep Reading Until 4am Because I Make Great Life Choices

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I love how in almost everyone's POV [REDACTED 3] is described as unspeakably hot. I support this.

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[REDACTED 1] as they cross Kath


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OK sorted almost all my responsibilities for the night so back to WICKED PROBLEMS I go.

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New locations! I love seeing more of the Domain. Looks like two sets of characters are approaching two new locations and I can't waiiit. BUT no mention of [REDACTED 7] at all yet and barely a passing reference to [REDACTED 8]. Where are they? What are they up to elsewhere?

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Eeee my favourite minor character has been mentioned on page! Foreshadowing that we'll see them? Pretty please??

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Also this seems more and more likely by the page

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Ok, I know "ken" is used in formal, old fashioned English (as in "beyond your ken") BUT it is also an extremely common word in the informal dialect where I grew up and the idea of [REDACTED 5] speaking Doric is absolutely hilarious to me, ken?


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This book is making me enjoy my least favourite Craft character of all time (REDACTED 2, for anyone keeping track). Well played, Gladstone. Well played.

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More detail will spoil a particular character's appearance so all I will say is I reiterate point 5 in my Craft Wars prediction post. I need these character meetings to happen.

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[REDACTED 9] is such a sweetheart I want to give them a big hug and make sure nothing bad ever happens to them.

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1.30am selfie because of a trend over on the cielo azzurro place [editor’s note: join me on BlueSky!]. Sure it's a work night but hey that's a tomorrow problem.


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Have now made a note of which character is which because I just tied myself up in knots for a good 5 minutes.

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[REDACTED 2] and [REDACTED 6] are what now??? ...I am feeling more and more convinced that a prediction of mine from last year is coming true. I'd say guess which one but I deliberately didn't react to an earlier hint so that feels unfair.

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I hope Gladstone had as much fun writing this dialogue as I'm having reading it.

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Pretty sure this was clarified in an AMA, but for reference we are reliably informed here than 30,000 souls = 60 million thaums. I'm nae good at maths but I make that 1 soul = 2000 thaums? (Won't embarrass myself by saying my first answer before checking my sums)

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They're going to bang. The set up is too strong. They're too into each other not to.

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If you haven't played CHOICE OF THE DEATHLESS you probably should before WICKED PROBLEMS. Not essential reading by any means but it'll add something to a particular element.

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Damn my predictions post is turning out to be more accurate than I expected. Except wait where is [REDACTED 10]??????

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This book is so many different genres in the best possible ways. I am DESPERATELY trying to keep this thread free of proper spoilers but I need to discuss this. Definitely outlining some post publication articles this week.

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When I read DEAD COUNTRY my grandma had just died, I was there for most of her decline, my antidepressants weren't working and my eczema was flaring so badly I couldn't walk. I could hardly think of what I wanted to write let alone write it. This time is so different.

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Back to our regularly scheduled amusement HA [REDACTED 3] is cosplaying as French. Am already preparing to lovingly mock my French Craft Sequence reading amie with this fantasy depiction of her country.

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Bears repeating. I'm so glad I live alone because I just laughed so loudly I definitely would have woken up a flatmate.

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This will make sense one day

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I don't really know how to explain this gif search history


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To add onto this post. I do not want them endgame. This can be [REDACTED 2]'s redemption arc then gone please and thank you.

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...is this Scottish representation???? North Camlaan (which is Britain) and "yon beastie" certainly sounds Scots


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Ohhh I am GOOD. I may not have written as much as I wanted over the past 2 years but some of my articles and speculation are paying OFF. That being said it's 3am so I should probably consider sleeping soon.

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Some classic [REDACTED 4] behaviour here, throwing back to their first appearance. I love them.

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Got em. They are henceforth known as [REDACTED 12].

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Got this one too.

Part 4: In Which Gladstone Seems To Have Read My Mind Because This Is Everything I Imagined And More

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Right it's 6pm which means I'm done with work which means MORE WICKED PROBLEMS YAY. Also this thread is an insight into a) my brain and b) what my friends have to deal with any time I enjoy reading or watching something. Sorry to them. But not really.

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Barista just commented on the WICKED PROBLEMS book cover (he says it looks amazing and he wants them on his shelf). Am now loaning him THREE PARTS DEAD.

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The unintentionally holding my breath thing is happening again despite nothing exciting happening in the ONE paragraph I've read. It's about lemons 🍋🍋🍋

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I'm STILL mad that [REDACTED 12] wasn't in [REDACTED BOOK]. Justice for [REDACTED 12]

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HA I forgot to comment about Craft!Disneyland last night. So here you go: there's a Craft Sequence Disneyland. Or World. Idk the difference I am British and hate rollercoasters.

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AHHHHH [REDACTED 12] IS HELPING [REDACTED 5] AHHHH I actually guessed this a few chapters ago but didn't tweet it. Clear sign that despite this ridiculous thread I am not livetweeting ENOUGH.

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This will make sense one day.


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"There are some, sort of, you know, generally faceless gentlemen on the front porch. They say we're...under arrest?" Wouldn't be a Craft Sequence novel without faceless cops.

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Also a second barista has asked about the book. Really regretting not making business cards (that are also bookmarks) when I had the idea last year.

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And interacting with a character they had not met yet I am obsessed with characters meeting this is everything I wanted.

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I would never have expected to enjoy [REDACTED 6] this much when I read [REDACTED BOOK]. They're so funny, more of this version of them svp


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I need to count how many locations we've been to in this book. It feels very Mission Impossible / James Bond the way it jumps around the Domain. Can almost imagine the Indiana Jones style map with dragons (or [REDACTED X]) flying across oceans.


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"She left a note, of course. She wasn't irresponsible." REALLY, [REDACTED 1]? YOU'RE NOT IRRESPONSIBLE. YOU.

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[REDACTED 1] AND [REDACTED 10] FUCK YES Also this chapter makes me really feel for [REDACTED 1] in a way I didn't expect to but did hope to.


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Unexpected analogy but I like it.


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Also DAMN [REDACTED 10] really does get shit done don't they.

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What is [REDACTED 10] up to? I need their POV but don't think I'll get it any time soon.

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Right time for another break, got to take supplies to my aunt (first round of chemo, she's doing as well as could be hoped) and hopefully cuddle a dog. I'll be back.

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Dog was present and cuddled. Aunt was provided with biscuits.


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Ooh we've reached the cover moment!! Earlier than I expected. But I guess I'm quite far through, a ton has happened.


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Gladstone has spent far too much time online (I say with pride and amusement)

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"Perhaps it's a question of finding the right God." "I don't think gods welcome comparison shopping." A) lol, b) very Craft Sequence, and c) I've been wondering where a particular god is and when they may show up. Their absence is extremely noticeable given, well, all of this.

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I am so proud of [REDACTED 9]. They've come so far since their first appearance. Bless them.

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[REDACTED 8]'s therapist and I are in firm agreement. Was Gladstone reading my mind when he wrote this book or am I simply the definition of the target reader.

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I literally just SANG the words "I am having so much fuuuun" A) thank Seril I live alone B) my god I am literally a cartoon character this book is turning me even more ridiculous than I already was

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How does Gladstone make me LIKE my most hated characters and within a mere handful of pages humanise (for lack or a better word) a secondary or even tertiary villain to the extent I am MOVED by their death. How.

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I stand corrected. Hey [REDACTED 10] POV

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[REDACTED 15] I am so pleased to see you. Does it count as one of my predictions coming true if it was phrased more that I would like xyz to show up? If so, got another one.

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Oh dear.


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Harrowhark is that you? You're in the wrong book.


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OK my French is extremely rusty but "Rue des Epinards" means Spinach Street, n'est-ce pas?


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I think this is the third or fourth reference to eschatology, which I personally have never come across before, so have a definition for when you read this book.


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"I might break--a lot of things, doing this." "Could you, perhaps, be more specific?" "Walls? The fabric of space and time? Hopefully not, but..." I love this series.

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Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Part 5: In Which Shit Somehow Gets Even More Real

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Can I say the stakes are rising when they started the book at the peak of Mount Everest? Because, yeah. They're rising. Getting some real clarity on where this is going.

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Sorry if this is boring but FUCK YEAH I got another prediction or two right. I mean. I've read the books possibly more than anyone in the world who wasn't directly involved in their publication. So you'd hope I was vaguely on the right track. But damn this feels good.

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"I have broken three of your bones. I could break more." "Please. You have broken two of my bones, in three PLACES total." Snark king of the Domain.

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[REDACTED 5] always has incredible dialogue. I mean, Gladstone excels at dialogue and character voice so most of them do. But 5 is just great.

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As always, we get a critique of our capitalist world through the lens of sorcery and it is, as always, on the money.

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Less than 50 pages from the end we are still missing 4 pretty major characters. Where are they. I don't believe they're chilling out unaware of the current apocalypse. If they aren't in the narrative, where are they and why haven't we seen them?

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I can't wait for the "out of context Wicked Problems quotes" content I'm going to make from this book.

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YES REDACTEDS 5 AND 10 THIS IS WHAT I WANT except why do I feel like one or both of you is about to die

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Very well done, Gladstone. A fitting arc.

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I'm finished. Damn that was good. Surpassed all the others to become my favourite Craft Sequence book. If you're reading this, you better pre-order WICKED PROBLEMS. You're just hurting yourself if you don't.

Hope you enjoyed this insight into my mind, and are excited for Wicked Problems!! You can pre-order now - it’s coming out 9 April 2024 in the US and mid-May in the UK (no details for other countries, sorry, but likely around similar times especially in ebook format).


Character Connections


Masterpost: Tara Abernathy Deep Dive